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Title: النسق الأسري عند المراهقين المدمنين على المخدرات -دراسة عيادية لحالتين بالمركز الوسيط للمدمنين على المخدرات بولاية عين تموشنت
Authors: عبد السلام, عامر
بوحجلة, خديجة أحلام
بن قو, محمد
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This work is concerned with the role of the family structure of drug-addicted adolescents, with the aim of revealing the nature of the family structure of the drug-addicted teenager and the extent of the influence of family upbringing on the emergence of deviant behaviors. That is why we conducted a study on a sample of two cases (of male sex), whose ages ranged from 15 to 16 years, who were chosen from the intermediate center for drug addicts in the state of Ain Timouchent (Algeria .) In our study, we relied on the clinical approach to the case study, where we used several tools and techniques represented in observation, the semi-guided interview, and the FAT scale . Our findings led to the fact that the drug-addicted teenager belongs to an ineffective and non-functional family pattern (the closed pattern), and is considered a stressor and is characterized by turbulent conflict dynamics. We also found that the family pattern contributes to modifying behaviors within a family
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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