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Title: الإتصال التنظيمي و تأثيره على إنتاجية العاملين داخل المؤسسة الصناعية دراسة ميدانية بمصنع الإسمنت بني صاف -عين تموشنت-
Authors: بركة, خيرة
بن علي, ونزار سارة
بوربعين, وهيبة
Keywords: الإتصال التنظيمي، علاقات العمل، بيئة العمل، الإنتاجية، المؤسسة الصناعية
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This research aims to highlight the effective role played by organizational communication in influencing the productivity of the institution, communication is of great importance within organizations, as it facilitates the process of communication between workers in the transfer and circulation of ideas and instructions and the production of practical relationships based on collective cooperation for workers in the institution and in a humanitarian environment that motivates workers to perform well and thus improve productivity, communication is the path and motivation to build labor relations, which in turn is a strong social bond that enhances the spirit of work between groups and contributes to productive stimulation . Through our field research, we extracted the most important results that link organizational communication to productivity within the industrial establishment “Cement Factory in Beni Saf” - Ain Temouchent .
Appears in Collections:Sociologie

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