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Title: الرفاھیة النفسیة و علاقتھا بالأداء الوظیفي لدى عمال الإدارة -دراسة میدانیة بمؤسسة توزیع الغاز و الكھرباء-عین تموشنت
Authors: أحمد صديق, ابتسام
حدو, ريم بشرى
سعدي, عربية
Keywords: الرفاهیة النفسیة ، الأداء الوظیفي ، الاستقلالیة ، العلاقات الایجابیة مع الآخرین ، الإداریین ، مؤسسة توزیع الغاز و الكهرباء
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study was concerned with identifying the relationship between psychological well-being and job performance among the workers of the management of the Gas and Electricity Distribution Corporation in Ain Temouchent, using the psychological well-being questionnaire and the job performance questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 50 administrative workers, After analyzing the results statistically using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS 20). The study found that there is a relationship between psychological well-being and job performance among administrative workers in this .productive institution
Appears in Collections:Sociologie

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