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Title: تسول الأفارقة في الجزائر دراسة ميدانية حول أسباب تسول الأفارقة داخل المجتمع الجزائري
Authors: بوكراع, وسام
لاغا, أسماء
بن مهرة, ليندة لطيفة
Keywords: تسول الافارقة_ المستوى المعيشي_ التنشئة الأسرية.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Begging is a social scourge that afflicts societies in general, and its types and images differ. It represents a dangerous phenomenon and entails other social problems, not to mention the negative image it reflects for its practitioner or for society in general. African begging is one of the current phenomena in Algeria, with the spread of African immigrants greatly Within social circles, anxiety and confusion arose among members of society, not to mention the social problems and corruption left behind by this scourge. This explains that this group has become an outsider to Algerian society and practices all violations without obeying the laws and principles regulating society. This study aimed to find out the reasons that drive the African individual to practice the habit of begging based on the theoretical and field aspects, and among the most important factors is the poor standard of living, because Africans lack the minimum opportunities for a suitable life in addition to the high poverty rate they have. In addition to that, the factor of family upbringing and its influence on the behavior of the African individual, as it is the primary vessel in which the individual grows up and learns from it the principles, customs and traditions.
Appears in Collections:Sociologie

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