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Title: Etude En APD Du Dédoublement De La Route Nationale RN96 A Et Le Chemin De Wilaya CW20 Reliant El Amria A Bouzedjar Sur 11 Km
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The road is not the only transport infrastructure there are also other means such as railways… airways and seaways, but road transport is dominant, and even though information technology is develop... Road travel related both to everyday life than tourism are unavoidable realities for many more years. The road plays a leading role in spatial planning… it favors the establishment of economic and industrial activities and reduces transportation costs and thus production. Our study duplication project to ZET on RN02 11km fits perfectly in this strategy development and densification of the motorway network and enables Algeria by the same: - Relieve congestion traffic on the RN 02 and RN96. - Stimulate the establishment of new areas of trade activities and industry and tourism; - Meeting the needs of the ever-growing traffic generated particularly by the activity of the commercial and tourist port of boudzejar. - Manage the flow (traffic) associated with future natural development of the region both industrially and tourism.
Appears in Collections:Génie civil

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