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dc.contributor.authorBelkadi, Youcef Zin eddine-
dc.description.abstractThis project presents a detailed study of a residential use building consists of a basement and a ground floor + 9 floors with irregular shape in plan. This study consists of four parts: The first is the general description of the project with a presentation of building elements; then the pre-sizing of the structure and finally a load assessment. The second part concerns the study of secondary elements (the parapet, stairs, floors and solid slabs) using the code and CBA93 RPA99 2003 version. The third part deals with the dynamic study of the structure made by the SAP 2000 version 14.2.0 calculation software to determine the various stresses due to loads (permanent load, operation and seismic load) The last part of the calculation of various reinforcement resistant structural elements (columns, beams, walls) and foundations at the end .en_US
dc.subjectBuilding, Reinforced Concrete, SAP2000, RPA99, CBA 93.en_US
dc.titleEtude d’une structure élancée à usage d’habitations (sous-sol+RDC+9 étage)en_US
Appears in Collections:Génie civil

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