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Title: Etude d’un bâtiment (R+5) à usage habitation en béton armée
Authors: MAAROUF, Mohamed
Keywords: Building.Reinforced concreteSAP2000, RPA99modified 2003, BAEL91 modified 99.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: This project presents adetailed studyofabuildingusedforresidential andcommercial consists ofabasementand agroundfloor addition(5)floors,locatedin thewilayaofAIN TEMOUCHENT .Thisregion is classifiedasseismiczoneIIa according totheRPA99version 2003. Using thenew rulesof calculation andverificationof reinforcedconcrete (RPA99 2003version, BAEL91 modifié99), this studyconsistsoffourparts: Thefirst startsthegeneral descriptionoftheproject with apresentationofmaterial properties,thenthePre-designofthestructureandfinallythedescentoftheload. Thesecond part aims to studysecondaryelements(beams, stairs, parapet, balcony, elevator, and full slab). Thedynamicstudyofthestructurewas begun in thethird part softwareSAP2000 to determinethevarious stresses dueto loads (permanent loads, operationaland seismic loading). Attheend,thereinforcementofstructural elements(columns,beams, wallssails,andraft) willbe calculated inthelastpart.
Appears in Collections:Génie civil

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