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Title: الاليات القانونية لمكافحة الهجرة السرية
Authors: بومدين, هشام
بولفراد, عبد القادر محمد
بورطال, أمينة
Keywords: الهجرة غير الشرعية، التفاوت الاقتصادي، الردع، تجريم المخالفين، الرقابة على الحدود، معالجة شاملة
Illegal migration, Criminalization, Deterrence, Security cooperation, Security measures.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Illegal migration is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by multiple factors, such as demographic pressure and economic disparities between countries. In Algeria, legal measures are taken to combat it, including laws that focus on deterrence and criminalization of offenders, such as Law No. 08-11, which regulates the conditions of entry for foreigners into the country, and Law No. 09-01, which amends the Penal Code. There are also global efforts that involve tightening border controls and enhancing security cooperation between countries. These efforts aim to address the issue of illegal migration comprehensively, with a focus on economic, social, and developmental factors rather than solely relying on security measures.
Appears in Collections:Droit

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