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Title: في دعم عملية صنع القرار في المؤسسة الصناعية الجزائرية vikorفعالية منهجية التحليل متعدد المعايير
Other Titles: دراسة حالة مؤسسة يونيلفر فرع وهران
Authors: دحمان, عياد لميس
بن دادة, أيوب
بن عامر, عبد الكريم
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study aims to present and clarify how to use the methodology of multi-criteria analysis to help decision-makers in institutions to solve decision-making problems related to choosing the best alternative from a set of alternatives on the basis of a set of criteria that help more accurately in the decision taken, in addition to the need for these institutions to use this type of methods to make their decisions multi-criteria, where we tried in the applied study to apply one of the most important of these methods, which is the VIKOR method, in order to address the problem of the order of precedence Products at Unilever Algeria – Oran, this study concluded that this method is among the most effective in supporting its decisions
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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