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Title: الاقتصاد الأخضر وأثره على التنمية المستدامة تجارب دولية
Authors: بختي, رؤوف
بلمخطار, محمد
مطهري, كمال
Keywords: Green Economy, Sustainable Development, International Experiences, Environment.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study aimed to highlight the role of the green economy in protecting the environment and its impact on sustainable development through the use of modern technologies in the field of renewable energy, relying on environmentally friendly projects, and using a rational approach to limited natural resources. The study found that the basic principles of green economy revolve around giving equal weight to economic development, achieving social justice, and establishing a sustainable environment. This study also demonstrated some international and Arab experiences in the field of green economy and examined their reality, where those countries made tremendous efforts to adopt that pattern and achieved satisfactory results. However, Algeria has implemented several schemes, programs, and policies to preserve the environment and shift towards the green economy, but it still needs to do more and face challenges that need to be addressed
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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