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Title: اسالب التفوق متعدد وتطبيقاتها على المؤسسات الاقتصادية الجزائرية
Other Titles: عين تموشنت CRMA دراسة حالة بالصندوق الجهوي للتعاون الفلاحي
Authors: بولفضاوي, نادية
حاج سعيد, رجاء إيمان
بن عامر, عبد الكريم
Keywords: Decision making, Multi-criteria decision making, Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study aimed to identify one of the methods of multi-criteria superiority represented in the Analytic hierarchy process and its application to one of the Algerian economic institutions represented in the Regional Fund for Agricultural Cooperation to help in multicriteria decision-making related to the problem of granting insurances to clients. The study showed that the hierarchical analysis method is a powerful effective method to rationalize the organization's decisions related to facing the various complex problems it faces. Finally, the study concluded that this type of method helps in arranging and classifying the insurances granted to customers according to the degree of risk
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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