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Title: Etude des Caractéristiques Morpho métriques du bassin versant des côtiers oranais
Authors: Mahi, El Amin
Keywords: geometric, physiographic, drainage, artificial
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: The watershed is a complex object whose set of characteristics (geometric, Geological, physiographic, human, etc.) will play a role not only in the response Hydrological characteristics of the basin to a precipitation stress (flow regime) but also, in Upstream and some of them (altitude, exposure, etc.), directly in the process of Formation of rain. It should be noted that there is a longitudinal system on the surface of the catchment, Drainage or hydrographic network, defined as all natural or artificial rivers, Permanent or temporary, who participate in the disposal. This network is more or less developed According to different factors (geology, climate, slope of the ground, etc.) There is no shortage in the scientific literature of quantified parameters intended to measure Or such characteristic of watersheds (tables). These factors, of a purely geometric or From topographic maps . The difficulty lies in the identification of parameters which express The influence of these characteristics
Appears in Collections:Hydraulique

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