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Title: Etude de l’effet des conditions de préparation du pain sur la croissance des moisissures toxinogenes : cas boulangeries de la région d’Ain Témouchent
Authors: BOUHADJAR, Ikram
Keywords: Flour, Molds, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mycotoxins, Algeria
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by toxigenic molds in food products, especially soft wheat and subsequently bakery flour. Consequently, their presence in food products can cause adverse effects on human and animal health. The objective of this work is to research and enumerate the ubiquitous molds in the bakery flour and to highlight their mycotoxinogenic power. For this, a total of 63 samples of flour were collected from bakeries in the region of Ain- Temouchent (Hammam Bouhdjar, El Malah, and Ain Témouchant). The enumeration of molds was conducted on Dichloran medium containing oxytetracyline. The results showed that 98.91% of the samples studied were contaminated by molds. The identification of ubiquitous fungal genera was based solely on the analysis of microscopic criteria, revealed the presence of eleven (11) fungal genera namely Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Exopiala, Microsporum, Auerobasidium, Trichothecium, Trichosporon, Trichoderma, Mucor, Streptomyces, with the dominance of the first three genera. As for the toxinogenic power, the production of mycotoxin was tested on CEA medium and YES medium by visual detection and TLC respectively. The visual detection showed that only the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium produced mycotoxins translated by a fluorescence under UV (365 nm). This production was confirmed on YES medium after revelation on TLC. In addition, these isolates showed a growth capacity represented by growth rates between 0.90 and 1. This capacity of growth and production of mycotoxin constituted a real danger that threatens the health of consumers. To this end, the simulation of growth during the storage of flour at the bakery showed a remarkable growth that exceeds the threshold (4 log) governed by Algerian regulations for flour with 0.06 kneaders during the month of January. The results of this work are of interest in the management of microbiological risk related to mycotoxins in human consumption.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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