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Title: Etude de l'effet de la conservation des souches microbiennes sur leur potentiel de formation de biofilms
Authors: Mabrouk, Saadia
Belhenini, Amina Oum Elhabib
Keywords: conservation, biofilm, candida sp.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Some microorganisms are infectious agents fromwhich the need to studythem, which requires their conservation at the laboratory level. Conservation must maintain their viabilité and properties. In thiscontext we have undertaken this study which aims to evaluate the effect of conservation on the power to form a biofilm. The strains of Candida sp.isolated from university hospitol of Tlemcen concerved at 4 ° C since 2012 and the results obtained showed that our strainsretained the biofilm formation capacityafter a long conservation period,
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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