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Title: مساعدي النقل البحري على ضوء التشريع الجزائري
Authors: بن نونة, رحمونة
بونوارة, خيرة
بورطال, أمينة
Keywords: مساعدي النقل البحري ، إجراءات ، مسؤولية
Maritime transport assistants , procedures responsibility
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The activity of maritime transport assistants is based on a group of persons identified by the Algerian legislator, Who are the ship’s agent , cargo agent and maritime broker , as they are linked to a set of conditions and procedures for practicing this profession , the most important procedure is obtaining an accreditation , with represents the document necessary to prove the legal capacity , and is delivered by the minister in charge of the merchant marine and ports , as the Algerian legislator specified through executive pecree n° 348/20 the most important conditions that must be met by the applicant for accreditation whether he is a natural or legal person , in addition to the need town shops of a commercial nature commensurate with the practices of the profession . The Algerian legislator enacted, through ordinance 76/80 within includes the Algerian maritime law , a set of obligations on each of the ship’s agent , the cargo agent , and the responsibility in the event if their non – compliance in their duties.
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