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Title: Etude de la thermorésistance des spores de B. cereus sensu lato isolées à partir des épices de la soupe « Hrira » : cas de la région d’Ain Témouchent
Authors: BOUHENIA, Dalel
Keywords: B. cereus, spices, heat resistance, modeling.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: B. cereus is a spore-forming bacterium known for its involvement in foodborne illness, especially heat-treated and / or dehydrated foods, namely spices. They are used the Hrira for large consumption especially in the month of Ramadhan. This work aimed to search for and enumerate this group of bacteria thus to evaluate their thermo-resistance. In fact, 64 samples were taken and analyzed. The results show a variability of contamination. Hot spices were less contaminated (80%), unlike sweet and aromatic spices. Concentrations for all samples oscillate between 1 and 6 log cfu / g. As for heat treatments, the thermo-resistance of the isolates is dependent on the food matrix. In fact, the DT ° C values of isolates obtained from Ginger were relatively similar (21.62 min and 21.42 min). In addition, sensitivity to heat treatment showed a dependence on the food matrix. The results of this work can be a tool to the master of microbial development in foods.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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