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Title: أثر السياسة النقدية في معالجة معدلات التضخم في الجزائر
Other Titles: دراسة قياسية للفترة 1990-2021
Authors: ديدو, أحلام
ميموني, إلهام
بن نافلة, نصيرة
Keywords: monetary policy, inflation, redisount rate, money supply rate.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study aims to show the extent to which monetary policy contributes to targeting inflation rates in algeria during the periode (1990-2021).standard study using the VECM model withing the EViews9 program. One of the most important results obtained was the stability of all the variable at the same level (the first defference ) in the ADF test ,where we found that the condition of simultaneous integration has been fulfilled,which means that time series is integrated of the first order . As for that we concluded from the causality test, it was the presence of an effect ralationship of the rate of inflation on both variables (the rate of monetary mass and the rate of rein flation )while both of them do not affect it, and from the simultaneous integration test, we concluded that there is an integration relationship of inflation with its variables, which indicate the existence of a equilibrium relationship long-term among the nariables under study
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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