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dc.contributor.authorBENMAZOUZ, Wissem-
dc.contributor.authorTAGRI, Zoubida-
dc.description.abstractQuantifying water has a great importance us a strategy of exploitation, managing and distribution. The big sebkha of Oran, which the area totals some 300km², represents undoubtedly a natural resource to stock rainfall waters but not exploited yet. Amount accenting of water can motivate political and economical decision-makers to conserve a programaining at exploiting this resource, though difficulties encountered as such making an accurate butyl plan based on calculating a maximum water level that maycontain. We inquire in these research advantages of integrated spatial technics and these limits of usage in this field,such as visual teledetectingor radio detecting and ranging (Radar). In feat, LANDSAT images permitted a geometric boundary of sebkha, and of water at the moment of taking photographs. As for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) provided gratuitously by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the bathyal MNT varces from one product to another, inciting us to a qualitative study valited by topographic measures-Global PositioningSystem (GPS)and the whole stationbeforefinal account. Results of this research are various. We could be out the error rate for high water level 10cm. A three dimensional (3D) simulation of filling and inundating of the big salted lake in many levels us well as quantities of water. And at last deducing the limits of using SRTM(band X and C) in most area.en_US
dc.titleApport de la télédétection dans la quantification des eaux de la grande Sebkha d’ORANen_US
Appears in Collections:Hydraulique

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