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Title: Innovation and Change in ELT in Algerian Middle Schools (Case of Study Third Year Middle School)
Authors: Mohammedi, Cherifa
Meftahi, Ibtissem
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: The issues raised in this extended essay shed light on the innovation and change in English language teaching (ELT) in Algerian middle schools. Many teaching programmes, methodologies have been criticized as a main issues behind the unseccessfulness learning English in Algeria.This research tries to investigate EFL teachers view of innovation and change in ELT in Algerian middle schools, it is a case study that aims at finding out, if the change contributes to improve the quality of teaching and learning and how is it adopted and implemented by EFL teachers in middle schools and whether or not EFL teachers are consulted and informed, the research tools are used to investigate this, a questionnaire to EFL teachers in middle school, and other one to EFL pupils and semi-interview with a general inspector of English in the wilaya of AinTemouchant. The findings of this research show that neither the teacher nor inspectors are consulted before change, the change is imposed this is one reason among many that leads to unsuccessful learning of English in Algeria
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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