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Title: Les nouvelles stratégies d’enseignement/apprentissage pour le développement de la compétence de compréhension de l’écrit. Cas des apprenants de la 2éme année secondaire Lycée Hadj Bouziane Abdelkader Oualhaca Ain Témouchent
Authors: BENAMAR, Fouad
Keywords: Reading comprehension, strategies, inverted class
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: in order to put the "inverted class" call method in focus and its effectiveness in learning FFL=French as a Foreign Langauge (FLE) and to achieve our objectives which aim to dismantle the reality of the implementation of this pedagogy, we conducted an experiment which consists in comparing between the answers given by learners from two groups, we applied the method of the inverted class with the first group as for the second we worked with the classical method. We want to demonstrate in an objective way its contribution through the results we have achieved at the end of our present work.
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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