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Title: L’apport de l’informatique comme fondement didactique pour l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE Le cas des étudiants de première année Licence.
Authors: BENAMEUR, Amel
Keywords: Compture science- French as a foreign language-learning-education-tool
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: This study focusses on the concrete use of compture science as a didact tool in classes of French as a foreign language. It therefore seems that this tool is an effective investement the pedagogical progress. It appears that mastery of the basics of computer science and the use of this tool is necessary but it is not mandatory ,Our objective is to show the importance of the computer tool in the field of French as a foreign language on their education and learning, and encourage teachers and students to use it.
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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