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Title: اثر الهیمنة المالیة علي السیاسة النقدیة في الجزائر باستخدام نموذج الانحدار الذاتي للفجوات الزمنیة الموزعة خلال الفترة (2020-1998)
Other Titles: The effect of the Fiscal dominance on the Monetary Policy in Algeria from (1998-2020) using the ARDL method
Authors: Benheddi, Ikram
si Mohammed, Kamel
Keywords: Fiscal dominance, Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, ARDL, Algeria.
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The basic goal of this paper investigates the effect fiscal dominance on monetary policy in Algeria using annual time series data during the period (1998-2020) , this study employs inflation rate , budget deficit to GDP, broad money to GDP, official exchange rate, interest rate treasury bills and oil price , yet uses the bound test(ARDL) the Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach, according to our results negative and significant effects variables on inflation rate except the related between official exchange rate and inflation rate was positive and significant , hereunder the research confirms significant long run relationship exist and stable long run linkage between inflation rate and the explanatory variables.
Appears in Collections:Marchés, Emplois, Législation et Simulation aux Pays Maghrebine

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