Browsing by Sujet
Showing results 1839 to 1858 of 3365
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- Nationality, Divorce, Physical Separation, Challenges Civil Law 1
- Natural mineral water, pathogenic germs, bacteriological analysis, Ain temouchent 1
- natural ventilation, solar chimney, numerical simulation 1
- ndian Minority Groups, Integration, Immigration, Hybridity 1
- Nefertiti, myth, Egyptian mythology, mythical figure, divine figure 1
- Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), Features selection, K Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Condensed Nearest Neighbours (CNN), Multi-Agents System (MAS), Dimensionality reduction, Backward elimination, Variance rate. 1
- Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Naive Bayesian (NB), Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (STMN). 1
- New developmentalism; Demand-led growth; Structural change; Exchange rates. 1
- New Public Management, National Culture, Total Quality Management, Lean Management, Management by Objectives. 1
- Négociations collectives, conventions collectives, conditions de travail, erreurs professionnelles, conflits collectifs du travail. 1
- Néologie ; néologismes ; créations lexicales ; procédés de création lexicales ; presse écrite algérienne 1
- Néologie-néologisme-sentiment néologique-procédés néologiques. 1
- Néologisme - néonymie-Lexicologie-terminologie-construction- production- La charge semantique 1
- NFC, Distribution, android, sales 1
- NFC, Distribution, android, ventes 1
- NiO, NiO: Ag, couche mince, pulvérisation-pyrolyse, photodégradation. 1
- NiO, NiO:Ag, spray pyrolysis, thin film, photodegradation 1
- nological creativity ; research and development ; algerian entreprises indistrial. 1
- Nonlinear fractional differential equation,boundary condition problem, Riemann fractional derivative,Caputo fractional derivative,fractional derivative of Grunwald-Letnikov,fractional integral of Riemann-Liouville, fixed-point theory. 1
- Nosocomial infection, hospital, bacteria, hygiene. 1