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- Mentha aquatica, Nanoparticules d’argent, Nanocomposite, Activité antibactérienne, Activité anti-oxydantes, photocatalytique 1
- Mentha aquatica, Silver nanoparticles, Nanocomposite, Antibacterial activity, Antioxidant activity, Photocatalytic 1
- mesoporous materials ,SBA-15, functionalisation,aminopropylsilane, gold nanoparticles, heterogeneous catalyst,β-acetamido ketone synthesis, copper corrosion, biological activity 1
- mesoporous materials, ceria, gold, oxidation, toluene 1
- mesoporous, SBA-15, Cu,Ni, post-synthesis, fatty acid esterification, methyl ester, biodiesel 1
- Meta narrative.Text behind. The narrator. Commentaires 1
- Metabolic regulation, bodybuilding, ergogenic supplements. 1
- Metabolic syndrome, Central obesity, Energy expenditure, Food consumption, Inflammation, Oxidative stress, Cardiovascular risk 1
- Metal matrix composites Al/SiC, thermal residual stress, crack. 1
- Metallic contamination, Corrallina officinalis, (Zn,Pb,Cd,Cu), extreme western Algeria, Chatt El-Hillal , Terga. 1
- metallic contamination, heavy metals, green and brown algae, atomic absorption spectroscopy, Bouzedjar Beach, Port of Bouzedjar, marine pollution 1
- Metallic frame, Static study, SAP 2000, Dynamic study, RPA99. 2
- Médias sociaux, compétences en apprentissage des langues, compétences orales, Reels d'Instagram, étudiants EFL 1
- Mémoire, Âge, Traumatisme, Persistance 1
- mésoporeux, SBA-15, Ag/SBA-15, post-synthèse, Catalyseur, dégradation colorant, Bleu méthylène, UV-Vis. 1
- mésoporeux, SBA-15, Co, post-synthèse, estérification d’acide gras, ester éthylique, biocarburant, biodiesel. 1
- mésoporeux, SBA-15, Mg, Co ,post-synthèse, hétérocycles ,Nitrile , tétrazole. 1
- Méthanisation, Digesteur, Biogaz, Digestat, Compresseur à piston, Energie solaire, Panneaux photovoltaïques. 1
- Microfinance, Small and Medium Companies, National Agency for Support and Development (NESDA), Financial Services, Escort and Composition 1
- microorganisme halophile, halotolérant, sebkha, biotechnologie, application industrielle. 1